/more and /facelift works good on Telegram, but we doesn't have a good option on web versions (Stable2Go, Unified and etc...).
I think if we have a way to set weights on Adetailer like "/adetailer /ad_stregth:0.4" would be awesome.
For Hires.Fix could be variables to Scale (multiplier, limiting from 1.1x to 2.0x), Steps and Stregth, like: "/hires:2.0 /hires_steps:13 /hires_strength:0.7".
I believe that by adding this the software would simply be perfect. There would be nothing more to be done in my opinion <3
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💡 Feature Request
8 months ago
Raphael Reis
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💡 Feature Request
8 months ago
Raphael Reis
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